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Using a data driven approach for comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment and effective eco design of the Internet of Things: taking LoRa-based IoT systems as examples

Ernesto Quisbert-Trujillo, now researcher at the G-Scop laboratory (Grenoble INP-UGA), will be presenting his work on methodologies for assessing...


Internet des Objets : qu’est-ce que ça change ?

Ce café sciences a eu lieu le 14 mai au café des arts à Grenoble. L'enregistrement de la soirée est disponible ici. Les objets connectés (on...


Soirée Clouding Things : construire facilement des application IoT / Festival transfo

Clouding Things : Innover et construire rapidement vos usages et applications web et IoT sans (ou très peu de) code A l'occasion du festival...


Atelier IoT – The Things Network

The Things Network est le 1er réseau IoT ("Internet of Things" ou "Internet des Objets") gratuit, ouvert et mondial. The Things Network est une...


IOT Planet - Internet of Things Planet International Trade Show

Le 25-27 octobre, se tiendra à Alpexpo, IoT planet, le salon international dédié aux objets connectés, aux technologies, applications, services et...


LimiFrog — Ultra-compact prototyping. For IoT and much more

Program it to invent smart objects. For IoT, robots, wearables, your bright ideas. With sensors, strong MCU, bluetooth, oled & more.


The AirBoard: Sketch Internet-of-Things, fast!

The AirBoard is a thumb-size, Arduino compatible, wireless, ubiquitous computer designed to sketch Internet-of-Things, fast!