New session of the MOOC « Code-Based Cryptography » by Inria - Available soon on FUN

The MOOC « Code-Based Cryptography » will be available soon on the platform France Université Numérique.
It will be taught by Irène Marquez-Corbella, Nicolas Sendrier from the SECRET Team (Inria) and Matthieu Finiasz (CryptoExpert).
This english-speaking course will cover the essentials that you should know about Cryptography and Coding Theory: the security-reduction proofs, the possible attacks, several proposals to reduce the key-size, etc.
This course is intended to postgraduate students and researchers from the disciplines of computer algebra, coding theory and cryptography or degree students in mathematics or computer science. More widely, mathematicians, physicists or engineers interested in information and communication technologies and every person who wants to know more about cryptography, coding theory or code-based cryptography can be interested in this course.
Week 1 Error-Correcting Codes and Cryptography
Week 2 McEliece Cryptosystem
Week 3 Message Attacks (ISD)
Week 4 Key Attacks
Week 5 Other cryptographic constructions relying on coding theory
It will be available from May, 23, to June, 26, 2016.
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