[Call for abstracts] Nile’s Earth International Conference

Call for abstracts
Study and conservation of earthen archaeological heritage in ancient Egypt and Sudan
Grenoble School of Architecture, France.
4-6 July 2023
To promote the debate on better characterisation and long-term management of ancient Nile Valley earthen architecture, the NILE’S EARTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE invites researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines to share their own experiences, issues and results on the three main themes of the conference.
Selected papers should cover one of the following themes and one or more of the related sub-themes:
THEME 1 - Archaeology, Architecture and Building cultures
1.1 History of earthen architecture: origins, evolutions, technological breakthroughs and continuity
1.2 Typologies, functions and uses
1.3 Building techniques, practices and know-how in their historical, environmental and cultural context
1.4 Building design, systems and metrology
1.5 Construction site organisation: production chains, manufacturing processes, workforce, etc.
1.6 Ethnoarchaeology and vernacular traditions
1.7 Ancient maintenance and rehabilitation practices
THEME 2 - Raw and Building materials
2.1 Characterisation of building materials
2.2 Material analysis (laboratory and field) and protocols
2.3 Geoarchaeological and environmental analyses
2.4 Physico-technical analysis
2.5 Archaeobotanical analysis
THEME 3 - Conservation, Valorisation and Management
3.1 Threats, circumstances and processes of decay; impact of climatic change
3.2 Condition survey protocols
3.3 Preventive conservation
3.4 Green conservation practices
3.5 Reconstruction: potential and limits with regard to international standards
3.6 Planning, management and community engagement
Deadline submission of abstracts : November 30th, 2022
To download the Call for abstract
More information about the submission of abstracts and the conference can be found on the Conference website:
The conference is organised by the Grenoble School of Architecture, UMR 5189 Histoire et Sources des Mondes Antiques (CNRS), UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée (CNRS), the International Centre for Earthen Construction (CRAterre), the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (Ifao), the Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak (CFEETK, CNRS/MoTA), and the Section française de la direction des antiquités du Soudan (SFDAS) within the framework of the Nile’s Earth project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR-21-CE27-0019-01).